Who We Are

Who Is MAC

Who is MAC? What makes me qualified to help you?! Let me tell you exactly why…..

I feel that I can relate as I was in your shoes as well, an entrepreneur who was struggling to make a difference, to make money online and most of all, to be financially free with more time for my family. Just like you.

Fact of the matter is making money online isn’t as simple as it claims to be. Even more so if you were a solo entrepreneur without a team to back you up. I had to play all the roles that the business required which includes being the marketer, the customer service agent, the seller, the operations manager, etc and it was mind-blowingly exhausting.

Things were tough when Facebook changed their marketing ads and increase the costing of advertisements. This meant I had to retrain my team and myself which lead to an increase in cost.

Fortunately, my luck begin to shift as I started to use my connections

A good friend of mine shared some secrets about marketing and sales automation that was completed new to me. This proved to be a huge revelation as it not only saves cost, but my time needed to complete tasks. It immediately became clear to me how to convert all my leads into long term assets in my online business!

What did I do with this revelation?!

To prove the effectiveness of the system, I started creating an ABM system for selling properties with automated marketing campaigns, follow ups, etc. Our sale leads increased exponentially and almost tripled in value within a short period of time. Not only was it effectively getting new leads and sales. It generated recurring sales as well. I was convinced that this was the key to my success!

With the new addition of automation, scaling up was no longer an issue. We just increased the numbers needed and we were streamlining down the path towards our vision and goal.

What Am I Offering To You?

Based on the success of my automation system with my own business, I have decided to offer a full detailed course that will teach you all the twist and turns about marketing automation and sales automation. This course will allow you to not only lay the foundation, but build your own empire.

I call this the “Automated Behavioural Marketing System”.

With this course, I can teach you how to set up an automated behavioural marketing strategy within the week. This has honestly changed my life and has allowed me to venture my time into other important matters in business and my family. Ultimately, it is a goal to allow money to work for you.

This is why I am excited to share this with you so I hope to see you soon and work with you to help MAC Consulting hit its full potential.