
Sales Automation Consultation & Coaching

In Conversion, I will provide you sales automation consultation and coaching so that you need to know about using my Automated Behavioural Marketing System to gain the result that you want! If you’re like me, someone who’s faced the difficult road of entrepreneurship and sales, I guarantee you will want to learn all the secrets of using the right tools. Having the tools just simply isn’t enough anymore, it’s about having the right mind-set and knowing HOW to use those tools.

Here’s what I will cover in this comprehensive consultation and coaching session:
• How to track leads and engage them at critical points in the buyer’s journey.
• Nurture leads with hyper-personalized email and web content.
• Build powerful landing pages that transform visitors to leads.
• Connect to hundreds of third-party platforms or build new integrations.
• Turn social media interactions into conversations that generate sales.
• Collect real-time analytics to capture and prove end-to-end ROI.
• And much, much more…

The Automated Behavioural Marketing System provides a wide range of tools and insights to optimize the efficiency of your business. I will guide you and your team on how to:
• Close more deals in less time by focusing on leads that are actually ready to buy.
• Spend your time on higher-level tasks that can’t be automated, like competitor analysis, content creation and campaign development.
• Increase your marketing ROI
• Generate quality leads
• Improve your business gap to increase revenue

With this consultation and coaching, I will highlight the key benefits of automation and the steps on using that automation to show you how you can take your marketing and sales game to the next level. The best part of it all is that it only takes 5 days! Just 5 days to complete my fully comprehensive coaching session and you will be ready to up your game!
All coaching sessions will feature hands-on learning elements mixed with bite-sized chunks of information and activities to make sure you can learn and absorb the most out of the sessions. And if that isn’t enough, I will even provide you with remote coaching and access to my team at any time after the coaching for up to 1 year so you never have to worry about reaching your full potential.

Get in touch with us to get started!


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